If you plan to buy a house at an auction, make sure to do a thorough house inspection before you make up your mind to wrap up the transaction. 

A house inspection is an important part of the home buying process, more so at an open house when a house is available for viewing by prospective home buyers. An open house is usually held to promote a recently developed neighborhood. It’s simply a listed time when a property is selected to give potential homebuyers the option to examine, evaluate the place they want to buy at their ease before they make up their mind about buying one. 

We have put together five questions to ask at the open house inspection with the help of our property consultant that helps you get a better understanding of the property up for sale. 

  1. Why are the owners selling it?

There are several reasons why someone might be selling their house. The owners might be leaving-behind their existing home, downsizing, or wanting to be closer to work or family. Knowing What is needed for the sale and how long has the property been on the market for sale can give you an edge while negotiating the price in the future. 

  1. Has the seller made any key changes to the house?

Evaluating and asking about makeovers, modifications, updates, inconveniences, or DIY on the property is crucial. This could either save or incur expenses in the future. Asking about the current and pre-approved extension, subdivision procedure, or council restrictions or agreements is useful because it is convenient in that way to extend, partition, or sell through the property. 

  1. When was the house built?

No one even buys a car without knowing how old it is, and the same holds for buying a house. It is easy to be deceived by fresh flowers, a coat of paint, and fancy furniture. A home might seem brand new at first glance that’s not a true reflection of its age. The age of any house and the possible sign of deterioration, or underlying issues are important things to take stock of. 

  1.  What is the owner’s expected sale price?

The owner’s expectation of the sale price gives you an idea of whether or not the property is within your budget. Everyone has their finances to deal with. This ensures how not to go over budget while buying a house. Owners are more likely to raise the price of their property if there is competition among buyers. Our property consultant advises you to be proactive thorough research about the area and the valuation of the property is the key to avoiding getting tangled up in an unreasonable price range for you.   

  1. Are the sellers open to offers below the advertised price?

The common obstacles in buying a house are- the property market’s volatile nature, limited availability of mortgage choices, and fixed advertised price. It never hurts to negotiate if the asking price is a bit outside your budget. 

It is quite easy to get overwhelmed by the details of the property. Taking pictures, making notes about your concern can save a lot of time and energy.

Asking questions about comparable rates and other offers on the same kind of property in that area gives you a legitimate perspective about buyers’ interest in that area.


While it’s prudent to go about your home buying effort with a proactive approach, however seeking the expert advice of dedicated professionals working in this field has a unique advantage. They provide you with crucial tips and insights related to the housing market. 

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